I have done nothing but lose since joining Five Rings- as in lost 6 inches off my waist and nearly 40 lbs off my gut. I started with Five Rings a year and a half ago as a 43 year old, out of shape, frustrated ex-athlete and it has been an incredible journey for me since. The Professors and coaches create a great atmosphere whether you are in it for fitness or "joy-jitsu" or looking to compete and excel. I cannot recommend Five Rings enough!
I once heard an analogy that if one inadvertently falls into water, their go-to would be to swim or to float to survive, if - they knew how. Likewise if someone takes you to the ground against your will, knowing BJJ is just what may save you. So with that, I like the thought of maybe one day that my daughters can get themselves out of a situation by having that skill. Whether 5 years from now or 20, because they were able to swim to safety or thwarted an attack by knowing how to defend themself that took just seconds to execute, all these hours driving them to swim & BJJ class will all be worth it. As for myself, I joined Five Rings when I enrolled my kiddo earlier this year. It was a why-the-heck-not moment. :) So here I am seven months into training at 48 years old, my only regret is why I didn't start sooner. It's tough on the body, but I've never felt more fit in my life and is mad rewarding. Especially with seeing my progress from just a few months ago, it's exciting to know you only get better. I love the academy and the familial feel of the large group of regulars here who are loyal, train hard, and enjoy doing it. So on this Thanksgiving, a big thanks to all the 5RJJ professors & coaches & training partners! You guys truly make me better after each class & open mat.
The environment at 5rings is one that promotes a positive learning culture. As an owner of another martial arts school in the area, I've seen a lot of different schools and methods for teaching - and by far, 5rings does an amazing job. I highly recommend for adults and children of all skill levels. Keep up the great work 5rings!