Five Rings Summer Camps

Five Rings Summer Camps

The main academy is offering two week-long summer camp opportunities that will be filled with games, activities, and chances to improve your student's jiu jitsu skills!  Check them out:

Samurai Training Camp -

When: June 20th - 24th, 9 am - 12 pm each day

Where: Main Academy (3104 SW 87th Ave, Portland, OR 97225)

Who Can Come:  any Five Rings Youth athlete

Focus: Fun, Skills Acquisition, Life Skills

Cost:  Early registration (before May 10th) - $149, Regular price - $199

Register HERE for the Samurai Training camp!

Competition Training Camp -

When: August 1st - 5th, 9 am - 12 pm each day

Where: Main Academy (3104 SW 87th Ave, Portland, OR 97225)

Who Can Come:  any Five Rings Youth athlete that is interested in improving their competition skills

Focus:  Tournament Prep, Drills, Scoring

Cost: Early registration (before May 31st) - $149, Regular - $199

Register HERE for the competition camp!

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