GRAND Re-Opening | Welcome 2019 | Happy 10 Year Anniversary for Five Rings
We found out last July that our building had been sold to Lexus. That began our mission to find a new space and make it even better than our old one. It was profoundly fortunate that we found a space literally one block away from our original space. It's where the old Sweet Jam restaurant was; one block north of Canyon Road behind the 76 Gas Station and in between Tursi Soccer and the Liquor Store.
The build-out project was lead by our own Marcelino Garza and his company, Garza Construction, and they did nothing short of an AMAZING job.
THANK YOU to all the people that came to Five Rings' aid and helped us during this challenging time:
- Marcelino Garza
- Phil Schneider
- Dan VanDetta
- Sarah Truran Wills
- Aaron Light
- Paul Lively
- Chris Buchwald
- Preston Bauder
- Dan Slevin
- Justin Eyre
- Micah Caputo
- Nick Galyon
- Billy Jack Hagerman
- Kristy Armstrong
- Josh Roy
- Mark Ryan
- Cody Bartol
- Tyler Colson
- Ben Sutz
- Brian Zvaigzne
- And all the people I'm missing ... it truly took the entire community coming together to make this move a success. THANK YOU ALL! ! !
Aside from it being an "open concept", here are the benefits:
- 2,600 sq. ft. of mat space | 18 designated rings for training
- Ample parking in the back of the building and in front of Tursi Soccer
- A drinking fountain and water bottle filling station
- A much bigger women's locker room
- A much bigger women's restroom
- An ADA unisex shower
- A beautiful front desk (made by our very own Mark Ryan)
- A furnished lobby that encourages interaction and quiet conversation (couches, chairs, benches, coffee machine, juice and water refrigerator)
- A lean, mean, highly functional pro shop space
With the arrival of 2019 comes our move to our new space: 8775 SW Canyon Lane.
These pics are from Sunday, January 13's open mat which had 28 folks in attendance and the mats don't look crowded. Awesome-sauce! ! !
We officially opened Thursday, January 3, 2019. However, over the next eight weeks there will be new things added to the space as we finish the move and completely unpack. It's a very exciting time indeed. Also, 2019 represents our 10 Year Anniversary. Yeah for us! ! !
Stay tuned for exciting news ahead regarding our 10 Year Anniversary and the celebration of our Grand Re-Open. More amazing stuff is definitely in the works.
In the meantime, keep up the training and the personal growth. ;-)
Do. Daily. Forever! ! !